A housing association preparing to demolish four tower blocks and build new homes has said it has been recognised for the plans being tenant-led.

The project to bring down the blocks in Wyndford containing 600 homes and replace them with 300 new homes has been controversial, attracting opposition from a residents group and from others, including environmental campaigners, who argue they should be retro-fitted to meet modern housing needs.

Wheatley Homes Glasgow said the Wyndford Futures Focus Group, led by tenants, is working closely with architects to create a masterplan for the £73m regeneration project for the area.

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TPAS Scotland, the national tenant and landlord participation advisory service, has praised the involvement of local people in the plans.

Elaine Scoular, Managing Director of TPAS Scotland, said: “The work of the Wyndford Futures Focus Group is an exemplar for other organisations to follow.

“It is a gold standard example of tenants having their say and directly influencing what happens in their community.

“The tenant group is driving positive change and shaping the future of their neighbourhood for the long-term benefit of everyone in the area.”

Henry McLaren, the other co-chair of the tenant-led group, added: “The overwhelming majority of tenants in Wyndford fully support the plans by Wheatley Homes Glasgow.

“It’s what tenants want to see and what our community needs.

“The views of the focus group and the residents we represent are clear – we are 100% behind plans to demolish the four blocks and to build at least 300 new affordable homes, including 255 homes for social rent. 

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The plans, however, are on hold for the moment while campaigners opposed to the demolition take their case to the courts.

A court case over the lack of an environmental impact assessment means the city council has to provide a new ‘screening analysis' and decide whether an EIA is required.

Demolition is paused meantime but Wheatley is still going ahead with preparation work to bring them down.

Campaigners hope it will lead to a reversal of the decision.

Pam Yule, member of the Wyndford Residents Union, said: “Every day that the high flats stay standing is a win for social housing and climate justice.”

Kim Pratt, circular economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland said:
“This decision is an important victory for the people of the Wyndford estate. Continuing to use these buildings is the right decision for the environment because it uses fewer materials and saves carbon emissions.
“Decisions about providing homes should be made based on social need and environmental impact, not on what will make the most profit.”