Actor Alan Cumming has announced a special one-man show with a date in Glasgow.

The Scottish star is coming to the SEC Armadillo on Saturday, January 20, 2024, as part of his tour 'Alan Cumming Is Not Acting His Age'.

The award-winning showman will take to the stage in a unqiue performance, where he will "cover all the bases, sex, death and bacchanalia, with a set list as eclectic as the man himself".

Glasgow Times:

He said: "‘I’m constantly told, even now in my sixth decade, that I am child-like or puckish, and yet at the same time I’m also called a silver fox and a daddy. 

"I think we all get really mixed messages about ageing. 

"We’re told to worship at the fountain of youth, to do everything we can to our bodies and our minds to stay young, yet then we bandy around pejoratives like 'grow up' or 'act your age', even that we’re 'mutton dressed as lamb'."